Christian Motivational Speaker
"God loves you and has given you power to create the life of your dreams"
- Dr. Carolyn Edwards
God has given me the gift of encouragement and knowledge and I've always loved helping people to have hope, love God, love themselves, and live their best lives. As a minister I help people learn and remember that trouble does not last always, there is a purpose for their lives, keep dreaming and never give up.
Spiritual wellness is being connected to something greater than yourself and having a set of values, principles, morals and beliefs that provide a sense of purpose and meaning to life, then using those principles to guide your actions.
Finding meaning and purpose may be a lifelong process that evolves based on unique circumstances, individual experiences and global events. Along with the other dimensions of wellness, a person’s level of spiritual wellness often fluctuates throughout their life. It is natural to experience a variety of emotions along the path to spiritual wellness – both positive (hope, forgiveness, acceptance, joy) and negative (doubt, fear, disappointment, conflict).
Spiritual wellness has the power and capability to make our decisions and choices easier, ground us during periods of change and give us the resiliency to survive with grace and inner peace in the face of a dversity. Having a spiritual element in our lives may even help us heal when suffering from a physical or mental condition.
ealth isn’t just about your physical body, it’s your mental and spiritual wellness too! When we're spiritually healthy, we have more strength and tools to deal with challenges that arise. While we can’t control what happens in the world--global pandemics, civil unrest across the nation, unreasonable expectations at work, the list goes on! We can control our feelings and reactions to those stressors. When work deadlines or the state of the world bring you into a mindset of stress and anxiety, spiritual practices can help bring you back to a centered, calm state. When we align ourselves with our spiritual wellness through spiritual practices, we get more clarity in our daily choices, our actions become more consistent with our values, and we generally feel more stable and certain.
What do you really want to do, be or have?
Success is an inside job. Let's work together to get you moving in the right direction. Whether you need one on one grief counseling, life strategies, a keynote speaker, facilitator, panelist, commencement speaker, or guest to talk don't hesitate to let me know how I can assist. Get help understanding yourself and the seasons of life. Learn about your gifts, your worth, your purpose, and live your life with passion as only you can. Don't go it alone, I'm just a phone call or email away.
Dr. Carolyn Edwards - Bio
Minister Dr. Carolyn Edwards is a grief counselor and life strategist. A licensed minister and chaplain, motivational speaker, trainer, author, podcaster, and professor focused on inspiring and empowering people to joyfully and authentically live out their God-given purpose. Dr. Carolyn has been helping people live their best lives for over fifteen years. Her goal is to help people realize they are authentic, one-of-a-kind creations with gifts, talents, skills, and abilities that no one can bring to life but them. She has dedicated 15 years to grief counseling, life strategizing, teaching online college management courses, co-hosting a successful podcast, writing books as well as running a small business to help people live their best lives now.
Dr. Carolyn is a sought-after speaker. She inspires and equips people to celebrate their uniqueness, love themselves, and believe in their ability to be 100% authentic as they take action. Every counseling session, class, speech, show, book, or product Dr. Carolyn creates and delivers is to fulfill her mission of empowering and inspiring people to fully and authentically. She helps people navigate the grief process as they live out their life's purpose. She is the CEO and Owner of "Sunday Aint Enough" personal and life development company.
Dr. Edwards believes in helping the underserved. She is active in her community and committed to helping the less fortunate through counseling, mentoring, and empowering youth and adults that often feel hopeless and are in need of help. She is very active in her church and enjoys living her best life in Florida with her husband and son.